Auto dealer entertainment performer Clown Tom Bolton
An open house or the presentation of a new model; car dealerships often need the skills of an experienced performer. Auto dealer entertainment is one of Clown Tom Bolton’s specialties. He’s often entertained at events for car dealers of every brand. He can support your marketing team to present your vehicles. There is usually a flow of people over many hours but not a big crowd at any one time. Thus rather than big shows like at a festival, Tom offers customized walk-around entertainment. He strolls through greeting newcomers at the entrance and later between the cars.
With a minimal amount of props Clown Tom manages to improvise comic responses to every situation. This lightens the atmosphere. So can the sales craft optimally make their pitches. If there are kids present, he can keep them occupied. He does this with gags, balloon-twisting, or short juggling, unicycling or magic routines. This leaves the adults the time and space to inspect the automobiles.
Examples of Tom’s gags and who his customers are
His umbrella protects against the sun in the convertible and can also be used as an emergency drag brake. Measuring, inspecting under a magnifying glass or polishing with a handkerchief. Tom has many gags specialized to fit to the theme of cars. And if a lot of people do show up, Tom can do short shows to boost the atmosphere if desired. Usually he stays more in the background. He understands the business objectives are to show off the cars rather than make the skills of the clown the main event.
Auto dealer entertainment for Porsche, Mercedes, Audi, Alfa-Romeo, Volkswagen, Opel… the list of satisfied customers of Clown Tom Bolton’s customized performance art is long. Contact him for your next auto dealer open house. Presenting a new model? Tom can emphasize it’s features.
✓ Professional ✓ Dependable ✓ Supports sales personnel
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Clown in Stuttgart, Southern Germany:
Clown in Stuttgart, Süddeutschland in German: